What is and how to use magic plastic

The additional materials you need are: scissors and oven / heat gun.

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How to use the plastic step by step

In this case as my magic plastic sheet is not suitable for printer what I did was to print the wolf on paper, I placed it under the transparent sheet and then went over it with a permanent marker.

Other options are to draw freehand or we can also stamp motifs with ink suitable for stamping on plastic.

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Then I cut it out with scissors, although it was not perfect and I had my doubts, but when it shrunk, those small imperfections were not noticed and it turned out great!

VERY IMPORTANT: If we want to make a special application (for example, earrings) make the hole before putting it in the oven.

We put the oven at a minimum of 140º C and a maximum of 170º C and when it is hot we put the piece on baking paper and on a flat surface (this is very important). Then just wait about 3 minutes, remove the piece and let it cool before handling.

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When I opened the oven I was very pleasantly surprised by the result, I did not imagine it would turn out so well.

The piece shrinks in the oven a little more than 50% and the thickness increases from 1 to 2 mm approximately, to give you an approximate idea of the size you want the piece to be.

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What did you think? I think it is a relatively little known material but it has a lot of uses to make personalized accessories.

Do you dare to make your own creations with magic plastic?